Saturday, 29 March 2014

Suka iklan ni..

Assalamualaikum...selamat berhujung minggu..

Nak cerita sikit tentang iklan nuffnang..diantara banyak-banyak iklan nuffnang yang bergentayangan di dalam blog-blog untuk diklikiklan yang saya rasa paling menarik...Inti International University & College..Inti College ni dah lama tahu kewujudannya sebab kampus pertamanya di SS 15 Subang Jaya. .tempat tinggal saya dulu...

Mari tengok iklan untuk Academic Programmes nya yang best..tengok iklannya saja, rasa nak enroll je..this is what we call 'creative marketing'...thumbs up.....
 *hasil klik dari blog kawan-kawan*..

Academic Programmes

"In an increasingly competitive world, you need an edge to succeed. Whether your ambition is to be a cardiologist, world-renowned architect or prominent lawyer, it is important to have the right start. A degree from a top-ranking university will certainly give you that edge, and it starts with a solid Pre-U education to help secure your place. Set your sights on any university in the world, and we will help you get there"

"Our programmes are developed to nurture the winning spirit in students and inspire them to become more than just academic achievers – we want them to become industry leaders"

 "The United States dominates the list of the world’s Top 100 universities. Without a doubt, the US has one of the finest university systems in the world, with outstanding programs in virtually every field. An American degree is regarded as a symbol of excellence worldwide"

"Engineering has played a pivotal role in human civilisation. From man’s first wheel to the latest surgical tools, it has shaped the world as we know it today. Engineers are involved in understanding how and why things work, and innovating to create new technologies. Today, engineering is central to a broad range of industries, from fashion and food, to game consoles and space travel. At the heart of engineering are science and creativity"

"Computing and IT have become an intrinsic part of everything we do. If you consider the way we communicate, socialise, do business or simply go about our daily lives, it’s easy to appreciate the benefits – and importance – of technology."

This one I don't agree..Imagination and knowledge are both important..we need knowledge to turn our imagination into a reality..

"Nowadays, we can connect with people anywhere in the world in an instant. Thanks to the Internet and other mass media tools, we are able to share and exchange news, views and information, turn ideas into realities,and even bring about positive changes to society. Needless to say, effective communication with the masses is a powerful skill"

Yes, 100% agreed with this...after watching series of press conference on the missing Flight MH370..this statement really holds its truth..

 "The art of winning your case in court is much more than just persuasive reasoning or arguing. It requires attention to every single detail, analytical thinking and seeing beyond the problem. More than the adrenaline, you’ll learn that studying Law sharpens your ability to analyse, negotiate and communicate with people from all walks of life. These are invaluable skills, not just in the legal line, but also in a myriad of other fields"

 - health is weath -

"Biotechnology and Life Sciences are the studies of live and living organisms to solve all kinds of problems, changing lives for the better. They are regarded as the most promising frontier technologies for the coming decades. These fields have a profound impact on our world. In medicine, they have helped advance the treatment of illnesses and diseases. In the agro-food area, they have helped produce healthier crops that grow faster in order to counter food shortages. They have also become a potent ally in the fight against crime by helping forensics collect and process trace evidence such as hair, skin and blood"

Amacam, ada rasa nak sambung study tak?  

Ada statement dalam iklan ni yang berkaitan dengan kehidupan seharian kita..yang kadang-kadang kita just take for granted..seperti statement about engineering, computer & IT, biotechnology & life sciences...tuntutlah ilmu sehingga ke liang lahat..


  1. Orang yang buat iklan ni mmg kreatif untuk tarik pelanggan

    1. statement yg menarik minat..powerful words..

  2. Tolong bagi iklan percuma ni... saya ada kenalan kerja sebagai pensayarah di INTi ni...

    1. sebab suka dgn statements dalam iklan ni, tolong promosi secara percuma..hehe..

  3. Ikutkan hati memang nak sambung study tapi fmily pulak macam tak agree huhuu

    1. boleh sambung lepas kerja, lepas kahwin..InsyaAllah..

  4. Physiotherapy macam ada interest. Oh lama dah tak pi ss15. Rindu gak. Ada kawan keja situ tapi dah pindah us.

    1. highly recommended. SS 15 dah lain benar dari yg dulu, banyak bangunan baru..dgn highway, flyover..

  5. salam pagi nohas...suka juga baca iklan n klick2 selalu...

    1. selamat pagi...iklan utk diklik, sama2 menyumbang utk kesejahteraan bersama...hehe..

    2. Nohas...nk kerja pun dh malas apatah lgi nk belajr...huhuhu. bgi peluang pada org muda.

    3. belajar benda lain yg best2...belajar memasak, buat kek, pastry..kraftangan.. lagi seronok..

  6. Kakak dah tak ada interest nak belajar No. Tapi teman anak belajar adalah.
    Otak macam dah berkarat aje kakak rasa:)

    1. saya pun sama jg, nak ambik exam utk kerja ni pun dah bertahun-tahun tangguh sbb kena baca buku law, byk nak kena hafal..ada jiran nasihatkan saya, "cukup2lah ilmu dunia, ilmu akademik ni..dalamkan pula ilmu2 ttg agama pulak"..huhu..betul jg..

  7. erm..kreatif iklan ni.sekali baca memng oleh tertarik org nak joint kursus yg ditawarkan.. antara semua tu comunication je kot yg mampu saya belajar lg,,,kalau law ,.engniering..memng x mampu la..

    1. iklan mesti gempak...kena pilih course yg sesuai dgn jiwa dan minat kita..baru seronok nak belajar..

    2. betul sis.. baru x myesal di kemudian hari.. iklan mesti la gempak..penarikkan :P he..he
      mcm iklan2 kat blog ni asik diri ini nak klik2 je :P

  8. Iklan yg kreatif pn salah 1 cara marketing yg bagus

    1. ya, yg membacanya pun akan tertarik...

  9. Apa2 pun strategi kene mantap dalam marketing ni...

    1. ya, betul, Bunda, marketing strategy kena mantap utk menarik pelanggan..sbb tu ada yg sanggup berhabisan utk iklan..

  10. salam hujung minggu mai singgah klik2..

  11. Orang2 yang buat kerja2 pengiklanan nie kena kreatif kan... untuk menarik perhatian pelanggan... memang menarik iklan2 tu...

    1. memang betul, kena kreatif dan inovatif...

  12. Kreatif sungguh depa.... menarik tertarik debum... Nak belajar lagi..... huhuhu time nak exam le yang bercinta sangat nak buat. belajar boleh aje tapi tu lah exam2 ni huh memang larik ler hehehehe tapi kadang kerana terpaksa disebabkan kerja terpaksale harung...

    1. masa study, time exam le yg paling pening..tapi exam utk kerja, best sikit..kalau pass, boleh naik gaji..hohoho..

  13. Inti ni jiran kami di Nilai.... org2 corp. comm dia memang hebat2 yang kebanyakkannya pernah bekerja ditempat kami...... better offer kat sana..... bukan staff ajer yang dicuri, students tempat kami pun dia ambil....... pernah satu hari tu dia pasang banner kat simpang ke kampus kami dan menunjuk arah ke kampus dia orang dengan kata-kata sila ke Inti, segala-galanya ada di Inti......... hebat 2 dia orang ni.......

    1. competitor ni...ramai yg dah lari ke Inti...adat dunia mcm tu lah kan, akan mengejar yg 'better offer'..samalah mcm kat offce ni, dah ada pengalaman, ramai yg cabut lari...tinggallah kita2 ni yg setia..hehe..

  14. thanks ingatkan saya untuk berdoa :)


Syukran jazilan for your comments. Merci beaucoup!